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Kotawadiya - Audio Archives
Song related to God being sung during the ritual in Kotvadia Community Song: kAThI bolyA hA vachane lIdhA hA ratane bhagate.
Song being sung at the time of Holi Festival in Kotvadia Community Song: olIbAI kAMI khAkhA kAMI bolI.
Song being sung at the time of Holi Festival in Kotvadia Community Song: kahaLI ropaNa ropAve herA Ape bhAyA.
Song sung at the time of betrothal in Kotvadia Community Song: pAla TUTe te TUTe hagAI nA TUTenA vevAI.
Song being sung at the time of marriage ceremony in Kotvadia Community Song: jAhA hI kI paihA TuMvi de chela.
Women singing song during Pithi ritual in the ceremony of marriage in Kotvadia Community Song: helI helI haladI lAge amIna bhAIne,
Women singing song addressed to each other during the ceremony of marriage in KotvadiaCommunity Song: vaLApAnAmAM dapevA benA.
Women singing song at the time of Mandva Ritual during the ceremony of marriage in Kotvadia Community Song: bAre he bAra belIno mAMDavo.
Women singing song at the time of ceremony of marriage ceremony in Kotvadia Community Song: gAve gAve he phIrI phIrIne gaDatha A paDyo.