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Chaudhari community awareness song Song: phADIyo mAro nAchayo re.
Songs being sung during the worship of God in Chaudhari Community Song: devAya jI jo hame nAverA devA.
Songs being sung during the Holi Festival in Chaudhari Community Song: holIbAI AvI vArI hajI para nAMkhayo re.
Women singing song during Pithi ritual in the ceremony of marriage in Chaudhari Community Song; haLaDI tuM to kASI AvI re.
Song being sung during the betrotnal ceremony in Chaudhari Community Song: amAre bhAyo pattanAIjo re.
Song addressed to relatives sung during the marriage ceremony in Chaudhari Community Song: ajItA koma dekhAde.
Song with musical instrument, Tarpu played by Chaudhari Community
Vocal Artist or Speaker: At Alagat, Ta Vyara, Di Tapi (Gujarat)
Musicians: Nil
Sound Editor: Hemant Trivedi
Studio: Rhythm Studios Vadodara
Medium: Software
Format: MP3
Recording Device: Nil
Recording Type: Stereo
Year(s) of Recording: 2010
Recording Locations: Rhythm Studios Vadodara
Release Date: 31-Dec-2010
Distributor: Adivasi Academy, Tejgadh Under Scheme of Center of Excellence, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India
Certification: None
Original or Copy or Master: Master
Copyrights: Adivasi Academy, Tejgadh
Title: Song and Music/ Chaudhari
Date: 27-Aug-2010
Place: Rhythm Studios Vadodara
Event: Music Workshop for Chamathi Artisans
Producer: Adivasi Academy, Tejgadh Under Scheme of Center of Excellence, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India
Type: Final
Institution / Troupe name: Nil
No. of Parts: Nil
Current owner: Adivasi Academy